Wednesday, May 26, 2010

CHARTIS Auto Insurance in South Korea

CHARTIS offers a variety of auto insurance products and services that can be tailored to address our client’s unique needs. With operations in over 130 countries and jurisdictions, we also provide the expertise required to help understand local laws and diverse policy options. Our seasoned local professionals are dedicated to ensuring that you and your family have the right protection at the right price – nearly anywhere in the world.

IN Korea, many foreign individuals and personnels find CHARTIS for best Auto services and prices. With a variety of experience and expertise obtained through over 50 years' operation in Korea, we offer convenient application and claim settlement for our customers.


If you have any questions regarding AUTO Insurance in

South KOREA, I'll gladly help you to find best insurance

price for your car.

Please call me to my CELL 010-4535-0400 (Daniel)

Email :

Also, you could simply log onto the website :


Sales Rep
Daniel Son

Cell : 010-4535-0400
Fax : 02-6442-0200(Korea)
E-mail :


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Nice and very informative post. Really these are great tips to find a budget auto insurance policy. Thanks for such a great share.

Anonymous said...

In aԁdition, ask how many days or weekѕ it will taκe to progresѕ frоm one step to anοtheг.

If Ѕtewart claims Maine as her ρrimaгy гesidеnce, not only wοulԁ
ѕhe be аllowed to vote аs a conviсteԁ fеlon after serving her ѕentenсe, but
shе would alѕo be allowed to vote by absentee ballot while sеrving hег prison sentеnce іn whatever federаl correсtional facіlitу Stewart will temрorаrіly call home sweet home.
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tο our souls.

Dallas Auto Insurance said...

All these useful tips using which I can easily find an cheap auto insurance policy option.